Happy 4th of July Fountain! I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer and all of the rain we’ve been receiving. I know we’ve had some tough weather days last month, with flood conditions in our community that are considered “100 year” events. As you fellow Coloradans know, the weather can turn on us quickly here, and while we have a dedicated and talented city team ready to swing into action to keep our citizens safe and minimize disruptions to services, I always recommend that everyone have an emergency plan in place for themselves and their family. As the saying goes, “Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it!” Our “My Fountain” app, available to download on the city website, is a great way to report issues you may find around the city, or you can send an email to me and it will be forwarded to the correct department.
As we begin July with the celebration of our nation’s independence, I hope everyone enjoyed the free 4th of July Celebration brought to you by the Pikes Peak International Raceway on Saturday July 1st. Thank you again to our friends at the raceway for supporting the community with such a great show. Speaking of fireworks, if you do plan on purchasing fireworks, the City of Fountain has three firework vendors operating in the city that have been inspected by our Fountain Fire Department. The fireworks at each of these vendors are legal to use in the City of Fountain. This said we ask that you use them responsibly, keep safety your highest priority, and please be mindful of your community and neighbors. If your pet is bothered by the noise of fireworks, please make plans, if possible, to keep them inside and you might consider always keeping their collar with identification on them for a while just in case they escape. The Pikes Peak Humane Society has a “lost and found” page if you do find yourself with a missing pet.
You can find more helpful information about fireworks, such as what are legal and illegal fireworks, the new city firework ordinance and safety tips on the Fire Department webpage on the city website. And of course, you can always call City Hall at 719-322-2000 if you have any questions! See you around!