Hello Fountain residents! I hope you are all enjoying the month of May and getting ready for a great summer! I wanted to use my newsletter this month to introduce our new Fountain Police Chief, Mark Cristiani!
Chief Cristiani was nominated by our City Manager, Scott Trainor, and endorsed by the Fountain City Council on May 9th. Chief Cristiani began his law enforcement career in 1994 with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Phoenix,
Arizona specializing in detentions and courts. In 1997 he was able to obtain a job with the Scottsdale Police
Department as a civilian Police Aide, where he worked as an Advanced Accident Investigator, Civilian Criminal
Investigator, 911 Call Taker, and Field Training Officer. In 2000, he attended the Phoenix Regional Police
Academy and graduated as a sworn police officer. While working for the Scottsdale Police Department he was
assigned to Patrol, Investigations and worked as a Field Training Officer. He retired from the Scottsdale Police
Department in 2015.
After getting married and relocating to Colorado, Chief Cristiani was hired by the Fountain Police Department in
2015 as a patrol officer. He worked his way through the ranks of Corporal, Detective Sergeant, Special
Operations Lieutenant and most recently the Administrative Commander. Beyond his field experience, Chief
Cristiani has additional training in FBI-LEEDA’s Executive and Command and the Supervisor Leadership Institute
for Police Executives, just to name a few. Chief Cristiani holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational
Leadership in Law Enforcement from American Public University System in Virginia.
Below is a statement from Chief Cristiani:
"I am honored and blessed to have been appointed as the Chief of Police for the City of Fountain last night on
May 9th, 2023. I look forward to serving the citizens of Fountain that live in our city and those traveling through
our city every day. Policing in this country is difficult but we are committed to a diverse and transparent
department that will operate within the constitution and the law. We will continue to treat all people with
equality, dignity, and the respect they deserve. We look forward to the continued collaborative relationship we
have with our law enforcement and military partners across this region as public safety is a regional effort and
we cannot operate alone. We look forward to the future relationship with District 8 and Fort Carson as we
embark on staffing their schools with six new Fountain Police officers working on the military base.
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not thank outgoing Chief Christopher Heberer for his tremendous leadership
and guidance over the past eight years. He has been and will continue to be an asset to this region for both law
enforcement and military, and we look forward to what he will do next. We thank you for your dedicated service
to your country and to the citizens of Fountain and we wish you and your family all the best.
I look forward to the future and I appreciate the support of the Fountain Police Department."
Please join me in welcoming Fountain Police Chief Mark Cristiani!