Here are some Frequently asked Questions citizens have asked our department 

Will the Fire Department refill my fire extinguisher?

When an emergency vehicle is approaching that is displaying emergency lights and sirens, what should I do?

Why does the emergency equipment run with lights and siren, then just turn them off?

Do the personnel on the ambulance fight fires also?

What type of fire extinguisher is best for my home?

Can I get my blood pressure checked at the Fire Station?

What is the difference between an EMT and Paramedic?

What steps should I take for a child with fire-playing behavior?

Why does the fire truck always respond with the ambulance to calls for medical assistance?

Why is my smoke detector making a funny sound (chirping)?

Do I need a carbon monoxide detector in my house?

How often should I check my smoke detectors?

Do my smoke detectors ever need to be replaced?

What is the best way to display my address numbers?

Always OnFountain