Plans and Reports

Wishing WellWith Fountain's community continuing to grow, the future is clear for Fountain's Water Department - to secure water rights and water resources to support its thriving community. With Colorado's dry climate and recent years of drought, water continues to be at the forefront of concerns.

Fountain currently receives 95% of its water from the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project (Fry-Ark). Mountain snow melts and water travels into the Arkansas River, which flows down to the Pueblo Reservoir. The water is then carried through Fountain Valley Authority's Pipeline into Fountain's Southwest and Goldfield Tank sites. Fountain's remaining water (5%) comes from the operations of four (4) wells located throughout the City. These wells tap into the Fountain Creek Alluvial Aquifer, which is replenished through underground streams that produce natural water flows. Fountain understands how valuable water is and is constantly searching for new water resource opportunities.

Fountain will be adding several new well sites into its infrastructure throughout the coming years in order to continue to support current and future water demands. Fountain is also working in conjunction with several neighboring communities to utilize and improve available water resources. One of the biggest projects now up and running is the Southern Delivery System. The Southern Delivery System (SDS) is a regional water delivery project that will use the storage capacity of Pueblo Reservoir to deliver water to the Pikes Peak region. The water will be transported to the region, which is made possible because of several water rights that are currently owned by Colorado Springs, Fountain and Security. If you would like to learn more about the SDS project, please visit Colorado Springs Utilities Webpage at: or contact the Colorado Springs Utilities Department for further information. Water is truly the lifeline of any community and the City of Fountain takes great pride in securing water resources in order to keep its community strong and flourishing today and long into the future. (To see Fountain's Water System Master Plan, view the Related Pages section listed below.)